Updates from Phase II VPR Pilot Studies

Recorded On: 03/07/2022

This NAACCR Talk will present 3 of the Phase II Pilot cohort studies that are linking with registry data via the VPR-CLS. Study updates as well as researchers’ perspective on using the VPR-CLS will be presented. The three studies include the Childhood Cancer Survivor Study, the Transplant Cancer Match Study, and the Cohort Cancer Follow-up Study.



Surveillance Innovations in the Childhood Cancer Survivor Study

Greg Armstrong, MD. MSCE

Faculty, St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital


VPR Linkage for the Transplant Cancer Match Study

Eric Engels; MD, MPH

Senior Investigator, NCI/DCEG


Updates from Cohort Cancer Registry Follow Up Study

Meir Stampfer, MD, DrPH

Professor of Medicine, Harvard Medical School

Greg Armstrong, MD MSCE

Member, Department of Epidemiology and Cancer Control

St. Jude Children's Research Hospital

Greg Armstrong MD, MSCE, joined the Department of Epidemiology and Cancer Control at St. Jude Children's Research Hospital in 2006. Dr. Armstrong is the Principal Investigator of the Childhood Cancer Survivor Study (CCCS). The CCSS is a multi-institutional, collaborative cohort study initiated in 1994, which has successfully established and followed a cohort of five-year survivors of childhood cancer diagnosed between 1970-1999 and a sibling comparison group. The cohort, derived through 31 original participating clinical centers, has collected detailed information on cancer diagnosis and therapy received along with health-related long-term outcomes. His research has provided novel identification of a reduction in late mortality among survivors of childhood cancer from more recent eras attributable to reduced treatment exposure, extending the lifespan of these survivors (NEJM 2016). He has been continuously funded by NCI since 2010.

Eric Engles, MD, MPH

Senior Investigator

National Cancer Institute

Dr. Engels earned a B.A. in mathematics from the University of Virginia in 1987 and an M.D. from Harvard Medical School in 1991. From 1991 to 1994, he trained in internal medicine at Brigham and Women's Hospital. Subsequently, Dr. Engels received clinical training in infectious diseases and an M.P.H. at Tufts University School of Medicine. He joined the NCI Viral Epidemiology Branch (later the Infections and Immunoepidemiology Branch (IIB)) in 1998 as a senior staff fellow, became an investigator in 2000, and was tenured in 2007. He was appointed Chief of the Infections and Immuneopidermiology Branch in 2017. Dr. Engels holds an adjunct faculty appointment in the Department of Epidemiology at the Johns Hopkins School of Public Health.. 

Meir Stampfer, MD, DrPH

Professor of Medicine

Harvard Medical School

Meir Stampfer, MD, DrPH earned his MD from New York University School of Medicine and his MPH and DrPH from Harvard School of Public Health. Dr. Stampfer’s research program is broadly concerned with the etiology of chronic diseases, with particular focus on nutrition and cancer. Dr. Stampfer is closely involved in four large prospective cohort studies: Nurses’ Health Study I (N = 121,700) – Principal Investigator; Health Professionals Follow-Up Study (N = 51,259) – Founding co-Investigator; Physicians’ Health Studies I and II (N = 22,071) – Founding co-Investigator; Nurses’ Health Study II (N = 116,678) – Founding co-Investigator. In addition, Dr. Stampfer leads several other NIH-funded projects, and is Principal Investigator of two NIH training programs that support pre-doctoral students and postdoctoral fellows.

