Producing Delay Adjusted Rates and Trends Using SEER* Stat and Joinpoint

Recorded On: 07/23/2015

Timely and accurate calculation of cancer incidence rates are hampered by reporting delay, the time elapsed before a diagnosed cancer case is reported to the cancer registries. While cases in NAACCR are first reported about two years after the end of a diagnosis year (e.g. 2012 cases were reported in the December 2014 submission), in subsequent submissions the data are updated as either new cases are found or new information is received about previously submitted cases. The idea behind modeling reporting delay is to adjust the current case count to account for anticipated future corrections (both additions and deletions) to the data. These adjusted counts are valuable in more precisely determining current cancer trends. While previously, delay adjustment was only available for the SEER 9 and SEER 13 registry groups, a coordinated effort by NCI, CDC and NAACCR has led to a unified approach to estimate and report delay-adjusted rates across all of the US and Canada. While eventually we hope to allow delay adjustment for regions of the country and even individual registries, this first year of release, delay adjusted rates will only be available for SEER 9, SEER 13, SEER 18, the U.S., and Canada. After a brief introduction to delay adjustment, this talk will demonstrate how to produce delay adjusted rates in SEER*Stat, and how to export the rates to Joinpoint to produce trends in delay adjusted rates.


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