NAACCR Online Education
Match*Pro Tumor-Level Deduplication Training for NAACCR Certification
Recorded On: 03/06/2023
This webinar will focus on using Match*Pro to deduplicate registry data at the tumor-level. Using Match*Pro will be an integral part of meeting the duplicate threshold for NAACCR Certification. This webinar will provide an overview of the duplicate protocol and step-by-step instructions for running the updated, tumor-level Match*Pro protocol. How to save a results archive to apply to subsequent years will also be covered. This training will also be recorded and available, along with associated resources, on the NAACCR Call for Data Tools Tab.

Will Howe, BS
Senior Programmer/Analyst
Information Management Services
Mr. Howe is a Senior Programmer/Analyst at Information Management Services, Inc. (IMS) and the creator of Match*Pro. He has over 10 years of experience in conducting record linkages and studying record linkage concepts/theory.

Recinda Sherman, MPH, PhD, CTR
Program Manager of Data Use and Research
Dr. Sherman Program Manager of Data Use & Research, NAACCR received her PhD from University of Miami Miller Medical School and her MPH from Oregon Health & Sciences University. Prior to her role at NAACCR, she worked at the Oregon and Florida registries.

Stephanie Chiodini, MSPH
South Carolina Central Cancer Registry
Stephanie Chiodini is the Director of the South Carolina Central Cancer Registry, located within the SC Department of Health and Environmental Control. She transitioned to the role of director in mid-2022. Prior to this, she was the epidemiologist and data use manager for the registry starting in 2016, after a short stint as laboratory tech for a microbiology lab. Stephanie holds a MSPH in Epidemiology from the University of South Carolina and a BS in Molecular, Cellular, and Microbial Biology from Auburn University.
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