NAACCR Online Education
Key Concepts and Initiatives in Interoperability
Recorded On: 11/06/2023
This two-part series is presented by CDC colleagues who are on the forefront of a number of initiatives in the rapidly developing area of public health interoperability. This educational series was presented at the NAACCR annual conference in June 2023 and, due to popular demand, is being offered as a "replay" for the entire NAACCR community. These two sessions will provide an overview of key interoperability terms and an update on current initiatives that will impact public health and cancer surveillance in particular. These initiatives are intended to improve health data exchange and quality across healthcare. Topics will include benefits and potential implications for registries. There will be time for questions and answers throughout both sessions.

Sean Porter, MSHI
Health Scientist (Informatics)
Sean Porter MSHI, Health Scientist (Informatics), leads the Physician Reporting module development team for eMaRC Plus and the Cancer Report Validator, which support accurate reporting from EHRs. Sean also leads an internal CDC workgroup to determine the minimum data set requirements to improve and speed up the reporting of cancer incidences and serves on the NAACCR Minimum Data Set Task Force.

Caitlin Kennedy, MSPH
Health Scientist (Informatics)
Caitlin Kennedy, MSPH, Health Scientist (Informatics), provides expertise on projects that facilitate EHR interoperability, the CDC’s Data Modernization Initiative in the context of cancer surveillance, and she coordinates on solutions that standardize the collection and exchange of cancer data, such as cancer content HL7 FHIR IGs.

Kasey Diebold, MS
Health Informaticist
Kasey Diebold, MS, Health Informaticist, has spent the past decade focused on the intersection of epidemiology and data science, defining and implementing best practices for surveillance epidemiology, rapid response systems, and data modernization of public health systems.

Sandy Jones
Public Health Advisor
Sandy Jones is a Public Health Advisor with the Cancer Surveillance Branch, Division of Cancer Prevention and Control at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in Atlanta, GA. She coordinates the implementation of electronic reporting of cancer pathology and biomarker data from national and regional laboratories to state cancer registries using the NAACCR Volume V and CAP Cancer Protocols and Templates. Mrs. Jones serves as Co-Chair of the NAACCR Volume V Revision Task Force that is charged with updating the implementation guide for laboratory reporting of cancer pathology and biomarker data. She has been with the CDC since 1989 and has spent most of that time providing expertise in the areas of data management, computer programming, informatics, and network administration for cancer prevention and control and environmental health programs.

Joseph Rogers, MS
Team Lead for Informatics, Data Science and Applications Team
Joseph D. Rogers received his B.S. and M.S. in Biology/Chemistry and Information Management respectively from Arizona State University (ASU). He worked in Arizona for the Maricopa County Health Department as a project manager and data analyst before joining CDC in 1991 (first as a contractor and then as a federal employee in 1997). During Mr. Rogers’ contracting years at CDC, he worked as a systems analyst on information technology projects, as a project manager, and as a data manager within the National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion (NCCDPHP). When Mr. Rogers joined the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) as a federal employee, he initially worked for the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR) as data manager and later joined the Division of Cancer Prevention and Control (DCPC)/Cancer Surveillance Branch (CSB) in 1998 as the Team Lead for the IDSAT Team
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